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Hello! This blog is dedicated to my writings, poems, art work, and occasional ramblings. If you are more interested in reading about my travels or seeing some of my photography, check out my other blog -

About the Girl

Hello my name is Leah~

Welcome to "mind of the insomniac writer"! This title was chosen simply for the fact I'm a very passionate writer who tends to lack sleep because of it :) I currently have another blog called "Nomadic Flower Child" where I document my travels and the events in my life. But this blog on the other hand, will focus more on different things. It's where I'll talk more about my hobbies, such as writing, art, and photography. I've also recently started hooping, so maybe I'll talk about that, too!

I'm a Ravenclaw.
I love;
photography, art, painting,
nature, hiking, kayaking,
hooping, belly dancing, 
frolicking through the woods, 
piano, music, tea, cooking,
mushrooms, birds,
animals, marine life,
learning, zoology,
sherlock, doctor who, 
supernatural, hannibal, 
harry potter, starkid, 
musicals, theatre, acting,
disney, lord of the rings,
the hobbit, narnia, 
nerdfighter things,
vlogbrothers, books,
zelda, nerd things.

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