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Hello! This blog is dedicated to my writings, poems, art work, and occasional ramblings. If you are more interested in reading about my travels or seeing some of my photography, check out my other blog -

Friday, May 17, 2013

Faeries & Mushrooms

I don't know why, but pencil is just an awesome thing to work with sometimes. Granted you only have one color to work with, so there isn't as much diversity as you'd get with say paint or something, it still can be fun and enjoyable.

not to pick favorites or anything -
but i really love this one!~


A simple gnome I drew up a few months ago ^_^

he kind of reminds me of the gnomes from those travel commercials, ahaha :)

Thursday, May 16, 2013


I really love faeries, and I think the idea of them existing is an awesome thing. (Of course we cannot see them, but that's simply because they only allow themselves to be seen when they want to!)

Someone I admire a lot is Brian Froud - he is an awesome artist and illustrator - and he's inspired me to start creating my own drawings of faeries and mystical things, so here are some I have drawn recently.

simple faerie and a russula mushroom

a mischievous faerie

cute faerie on top of a mushroom.

The story behind "webs" is the idea of a girl sleep walking, and her demons (in this case a spider) is getting her caught up in webs of lies, she sleepwalking in a land where she doesn't know the truth. It didn't turn out the way I wanted, but the day I drew "webs" I was outside going for a walk and it started pouring down rain, so I found some shelter (I was at least a mile from home), and I ended up waiting there for four hours until the rain stopped, so I ended up drawing that picture :)

Ink Sketch pt. 2

Just some simple ink sketches... nothing too special

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Drawing outside during a cloudy afternoon. I was satisfied with how my hair looked. :)


If there is one thing you need to know about me, it's that I'm obsessed with the show Supernatural.
And I don't mean "yeah I guess that shows okay..." or "I watch it sometimes..."
No, no sir. I LOVE Supernatural. Favorite Show. I watched all eight seasons in a matter of months. But tonight, tonight was the season finale. And I don't know how I'll emotionally cope with this.

I found this show during the time of my life where I wanted to give up, but Supernatural was just one of those things where I could sit and watch it, and I really connected with the characters. They've lost so much in their lives, but they still wake up every morning. And you know what? Maybe I can too. It gives me faith.

So, I'll have to wait a few months for it to come back from hiatus. Lets hope I can make it.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Ink Sketch

Something I am very passionate about is art. painting, drawing, sketching, whatever - I love it! And often with my art I go into detail... I spend hours on end painting, or I'll keep shading a portrait for the longest time.

but today I tried something different. I used ink, and I made something so simple, yet I think it's one of my favorite things. 

"Boy in Elephant costume"

And in that moment, I realized how awesome it would be to become a children's book illustrator.