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Wednesday, May 15, 2013


If there is one thing you need to know about me, it's that I'm obsessed with the show Supernatural.
And I don't mean "yeah I guess that shows okay..." or "I watch it sometimes..."
No, no sir. I LOVE Supernatural. Favorite Show. I watched all eight seasons in a matter of months. But tonight, tonight was the season finale. And I don't know how I'll emotionally cope with this.

I found this show during the time of my life where I wanted to give up, but Supernatural was just one of those things where I could sit and watch it, and I really connected with the characters. They've lost so much in their lives, but they still wake up every morning. And you know what? Maybe I can too. It gives me faith.

So, I'll have to wait a few months for it to come back from hiatus. Lets hope I can make it.

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